The Beloved Dead - 2021 Cycle a Set 3

What is remembered lives
Heather Vanover
Helen Elise Bandy
Henry "Hammering" Hank Aaron
Henry Murdoch
Hirobumi Uno
Hope Horvath Burla
Hristos & Eleftheria Hatzis
Human Rights Defenders: At least 331 murdered in 2020
Hung Liu
Ida Scotti
Ilmars Jankovskis
Ina Rae Burdman Levy
Isabel Cortes
Israel Vázquez
Ivory Billed Woodpecker (Declared Extinct, 2021)
Jack Cook
Jack Hirschman
Jackie Polinski & Esther Thompson
Jacques D'Amboise
Jacques White
Jada Delaney
James Hormel
James Miller
James T. Sheridan
Jan Eames
Jane Rothwell
Janet Debesiglio
Janet Holmes Buschman
What is remembered lives

What is remembered lives
Janet King
Janette Seixas
Janice Mirikitani
Janice Inella
Jason, Jason, Gordon, Bettye
Javier Velasco
Jean Mclaren
Jeannine and Orin Christensen
Jeff Scott
Jeffrey Thomas Antonson
Jensen Ray Eatherton Horton
Jerry Carlson
Jerry Kozai
Jesse Taken Alive
Jessica McClintock
Jessie Tunguyen-Connor
Jim Snyder
Jimmie Donahue
Jimmy O’Connor
Joan Eileen Newquist Clary
Joan Roberts
Joanne Latino Gammella
Joanne Massey
Joel Mark “Edgar”
John Dellert
John Doubler
What is remembered lives

What is remembered lives
John Richard Macholl
John Rogers
John Thomas O’Conmell
John Tirmenstein
Johnnie Wise Collins
Jon Dible
Jorge Paolini (mi jorgito)
Jose Mejia Martinez
Joseph Martin Lyon
Joseph (Joey) David Hunley
Joseph Pennenga
Joseph Prisco
Joshua McGee
Juan Ignacio Valle Penuelas
Judy Baunach Mawhinney
Karen Felton
Karim Isaabdul
Katalin Horvath
Kate McGinity
Kate Ryan
Kay Daniels
Ken Blacklion
Ken Perepolkin
Kenneth Jones
Kevin Kochen
Kim Keumhwa
Kirt Miller
Konnlyn Feig
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard
What is remembered lives

What is remembered lives
Lady Star
Larry Horton
Lavon Brantlinger
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Weiss
Leah Justine Barlow
Lee Desser
Lee Maloney
Lena Laurin
Leo Malikin
Leslie Goldman
Liam Scarlet
Lily Grace Hall
Linda Ann Holloway
Linda Collins
Linda Thurston
Linda Wilson
Little the Cat
Liz Emslie
Liza Smith
Loki and Smuckers
Lonnie Smith
Lora Wereb
Loren Paul Caria
Lucas Gates
Lucille Hansen
Lucy xxx
Ludwigs Upenieks
Luigi Scotti
What is remembered lives

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